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What a day, probably one of the best days I’ve had in NZ to date.. Started at 7am (don’t all great days ;)…. no, but still, this one did. Glynn came over and we headed off snowboarding.

Weather was looking slightly iffy on the way, but as happened the last time, we emerged above the cloud into sunshine for the entire day

Now they say, as they always do, that day 3 is the day when you really get it. And it was totally true for us. Started off straight back onto the green slope (mini one)… falling quite a bit, but by the end of the day we’d taken the chair life (another new thing!) to the top of the field. So that was pretty damn exciting. Even if a skier (who are scum of the earth it’s true… like they own the mountain, when of course it’s snow boarders that really rule the slopes. Anyway, where was I.. – yes – this skier managed to get her skis locked over my board just as the chair lift was coming.. Still, all fun and games even if someone gets impaled.

Ok, so it wasn’t that bad, but seeing as we’re still only on green slopes have to liven it up somehow!

Then, after getting home, was just checking mail and.. Mum was online – on Microsoft Messanger from Uganda. Damn the internet really is cool sometimes.. if any of ye use it my username is patrickdavey@hot… but I never use the e-mail account.. way too much spam.

So yes, that was amazing to chat.. really great. Sounds like they’re having a great time over there, will totally have to visit sometime.

And then to wrap up an excellent day, headed out with a really amazing Scottish lass (Mhairi) who is going to completely kill me at squash tomorrow I am sure.

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