Manizales – and a timelapse :)

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I loved Manizales. Specifically I loved our hostel – if you’re looking for somewhere nice and relaxed (i.e not a party hostel), then definitely go there. The food was amazing, and the place just super relaxing. There are things to do in the area, but we pretty much just chilled. We did a walk down the hill to the stream/river, and completely failed to properly look for the waterfall, however, a nice walk, even in the heat (and that at nearly 1500m ish?)


The owner, a Canadian (of Iranian? extraction?), has a small hobby farm/animals there. It’s the sort of place he couldn’t afford to have in Canada, but way easier in Colombia. Maaike got her animal fix.


I also got the Raspberry Pi out again (I can hear the collective sighs of relief, this blog was getting a little slack on the timelapsin’ front). They gave me an extension cord and all was well. The camera had actually broken on the trip, but I just pressed the sensor back in again and all seemed to be well. There was quite a bit of cloud in the morning – so there’s a good 20 seconds of quite white footage here.

Anyway, loved our stay, would happily recommend.

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