Leaving Ushuaia.. for.. AAaaaaaannnnntttttttarctica

Finally, onto the boat. I’m a more nervous traveller than Maaike (well, more nervous in general).. so I was super super happy once we were on the boat and in the kind and strong arms of our wonderful friend Val, who had suggested that we should go on this particular cruise. We were shown on board and to our cabin. The cabin lady showing us to our room had a mini heart attack when she saw our room, as Val had sneaked in and decorated the room with a poster welcoming us, and writing on every accessible mirror!

Honestly, just feel so incredibly lucky to be able to able to have this experience. Steaming out of Ushuaia was a powerful moment, wondering what’ll happen next.

I never showed this picture to family before the trip, but, here’s a pic of Val standing next to a rather large hole in the boat, from 2 trips previous. From an iceberg. You really are out there ;)



2 comments on “Leaving Ushuaia.. for.. AAaaaaaannnnntttttttarctica

  1. That’s a big hole! And not much above the waterline…what was the rest of the story???

    • Well, not much to it, they hit an iceberg crossing the Drake passage on the way back (at the end of a trip)… so.. in a way it didn’t matter to much, however, they did have to cancel the next trip (the trip two before ours). I don’t believe anyone was hurt at all (and Val slept through the whole thing)

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