New Look for the New Year

Warning, slightly geeky post

The more observant of you may have noticed that they layout has changed slightly on the olde blogge. I had a little bit of time over Christmas and one of the things I’ve been meaning to do is to make the site ‘responsive’.

The idea for responsive design is that the site should degrade nicely as the screen size gets smaller. If you look at it on a mobile, or tablet, or a big screen it should look slightly different. You can see this easily by simply resizing your browser window.

I self host my blog on site5 which I must say I have been very happy with. The blog itself is built on wordpress and the theme I used as a starter for this is which itself uses the awesome bootstrap css framework. I cannot recommend more highly using a framework like bootstrap or Zurb Foundation if you are going to make any sort of website…. they really make the layout so so SO much easier to do.

Someday maybe I’ll be ‘cool’ and move to a statically generated blog (so there’s no database, everything is just created into static pages… fast to serve and bombproof). The only thing is, then the comments are held in disqus which I simply hate as a service… and I like the idea of having _all_ the content rather than most of it under my control and part of it (the interesting bits, the comments, do love comments.. comments comments comments ;) hehe, held by some 3rd party.. never a good idea).

Anyway, that’s about it for the update.. but for anyone wanting to play with laying out a website.. I highly recommend the above.


One comment on “New Look for the New Year

  1. Looks great!
    (And can I please get the password to see the previous post??)

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