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Up and to the airport at 7am, and flew down to Krabi. In the airport a German guy (GeGe) comes over and asks me am I going to RaiLay (it is a climbing Mecca after all) and so we teamed up and then found another guy – so the taxi ride was really quite cheap ($6 each for a 40 min drive..)

There we got a longtail (the wee boats) over to the peninsula.

I knew that Mandys friends Jesse and Aaron were supposed to be in a partic room.. so I went along and there was a note saying that they’d gone climbing to 1-2-3 Crag, so off I went to find them.

Actually, it was kinda funny, on the way I bumped into a face I knew (or thought I did) and yes, it was a lady called Rachel – who was a friend of Eliza Sprechers that I’d met climbing in Rumney – New Hampshire about 2.5 years ago now.

Then I did head on and find the others..

This was Aaron climbing a 7a. And from here the trip only got better and better. It was quite simply one of the best trips I’ve ever had. Definitely the best climbing spot I’ve been – at least sport climbing wise. The group worked together really well. We picked up an American (but a cool sort ;) ehem, Kyle. He’s a hiking guide mainly.. dream job – works hard for 6 months (with no accom costs, getting to eat posh dinners and stay in nice hotels, and paid well) and then free for 6 months to travel. Perfect. And totally sound. They all were.

So we did a few routes there, unfortunately not the easiest place to take pics from really. This one is of Scott on a 6b I think it was (really should have taken all the names down…)

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