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So – a not quite typical day in the rundown mansion that is house 39. My friend Ruth arrived on her way back home from travelling in Asia and Oz.. she’s off to do a two week tour (never long enough) of the S.Island.

Absolutely lovely to have visitors out here.. we used to be next door neighbours when I was living on campus in Trinity.. And it was great to hear about her travels through Asia.. made me feel a lot more comfortable about travelling on my own.

But it gets better – she brought with her 1L of Baileys and 1L of Bombay Sapphire – which has become my favourite gin since my friend Mick McKenny (hopefully also visiting later this year) introduced me to many years ago. Now that’s always a recipe for the start of a fun night.. Warick then dropped over, he’d just been back from kayaking a grade 3 river (Opihi). It comes up with rain – and is only paddleable about 5 days a year! On the way back they’d spotted some huge wild mushrooms and stopped to collect..

So to go with our gin and biscuits and cheese we had wild mushrooms (which were absolutely fantastic)

And with Steve and Yvonne (other inhabitants of the house) it was a great little party. But wait.. there’s more ;) One of the other guys (Guy) was also around – and he’s just been on a week long cruise to the sub-antarctic islands. Guy is a photographer so was paid to go, so headed upstairs to see his pictures.. they were incredible..

So all in all, quite a fun evening!

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