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Absolutely fantastic day really… mainly ‘cos Glynn is going to be moving in when Florian leaves..

Florian you see is off to Europe for 4 months.. so had to find a replacement.. Maeve and Andy are leaving to head travelling on Friday – working their way back to Ireland over the next 5 months I think it is. Hope they have an excellent trip – guess it’ll be great, taking in the North Island, then some climbing in Oz, and finally Asia.

So that means Glynn will be getting a new house, and in the interim he’ll move in here until Feb/March ish :) It’s gonna rock. Really super happy about it. Found out today that another college climbing friend John Loane will be in NZ visiting his girlfriend Maeve on the North Island and then hoping to take in a road trip on the South Island too… so hopefully if another climbing friend Domhnall is in town at the same ish maybe kinda time it could be a real trip. Course, if not, it’ll just be an excuse to take two extra weeks of holiday!! :)

Woohoo! a great day – topped off with finding out ACC is going to cover phisio to strengthen my knees (so more totally free phisio) and also doing more rolling of kayaks with Warick and Mhairi.. I’ve got no style at all at rolling.. raw power pulling me into an ungainly roll.. still, making progress.. hoping to get to do some real outdoors stuff next week… (just practice in the surf first of all!)

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