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So, pretty full week and weekend really.. Monday had squash off as it’s the end of the league.. Tuesday climbing as per usual, Wed my Aunt was in town so headed out for dinner.. yum, then off to the CUTC meet, where a tramp was organised leaving on Thursday evening.. It’s great working here and being able to just take time off when wanted.

So Thursday evening headed off on the St. James Walk. It was bucketing rain on Thursday evening, really incredibly dark and stormy weather (forked lightning too), but it cheered up. So walked 7km in on the Thursday night..

Both Friday and Sat hiked 30km each day pretty much. It was very straightforward hiking really, very flat terrain, but it was long.

My knees really don’t like going downhill with a rucksack any more… which is a little disconcerting as they used to not mind… keep thinking about heading to the Phisio on ACC.. will see about that.

There were some pretty cute views though, esp in the snow. And lots of lovely swing bridges to walk across, most of them being 1 person bridges.

The ‘summmit’ of the walk really didn’t look like one! :) It was an excellent group of people though, and funny, it was the first trip I’d been on that the kiwis outnumbered the foreigners.. 7:3.

The other thing we did see on the walk (apparently it’s something to look out for as they’re all over the place) were wild horses. So here are some wild horses… (didn’t look super wild to me, no stamping of the hooves, rearing / charging or anything)

Then on Saturday night when we got back in, headed out for mussles and fries to the Belgian themed restauraunt, washed down with nice Leffe Brun. Will totally be going there with Glynn after pool sometime.. Like for sure for sure ;)

What else, Sunday was quite lazy, slighly surprised when I got a phone call saying that our squash team got through to the semi finals and so I have to play on Monday.. which I’m not really looking forward to as I’m quite wrecked really.

Mind you, we did have an earthquake 4.3.. so that was fun.

Looking into Laser Eye surgery this week too. Well, not laser eye surgery exactly.. it’s not like I’m going to have an eye that shoots lasers.. though could be good for lining up pool shots.. hmmmm.. but will see about that, have been tempted for a long time now.

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