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Well, what a weekend, left on Saturday morning for the tramp, picked up from home, which was great :) It was a great tramp, have said I will write a trip report for it too for the tramping club. Apparently there’s a bar of chocolate in it for me! It was a wet trip. A very wet trip.

This was after about 2 mins into the trip, and it pretty much went like this for the next two days.

The first day definitely felt like the longest (though it wasn’t of course!) We were basically following a river crossing backwards and forwards for the first couple of hours.

But it felt like an age before we finally saw the hut we were to stay in poking out of the trees – hehehe, our leader – Sylvia – who is great – got quite the slagging after saying there was just 1km left until the hut (I doubt it was more than two – but the terrain was pretty awful so it took a while) So yeah, the hut

It really is such a great system, I got the hut pass a while ago – $60 or something, lasts for the year, the huts we stayed in would have been $10 a night… it’s great though, you get your own bed (so no need to carry a thermarest… though that’s not a bad idea!) they all have tabletops, the better huts have tables and heaters – the one we were in had a stove, which was lovely. Spent the evening playing cards, excellent. Oh, a nice brie and tux biscuits after a long days walking goes down very well!


So up and away, this was the longer day – walking from 8am until 5pm, but it felt easier, the terrain was quite varied over the course of the day – part of it was close to a mountain called ‘broken mountain’. The site of some massive earthquake that pretty much split a mountain in half. You end up with a lot of scree

Then it was off up a pretty steep gully and to a tarn.

Off down to the second hut (still with wet feet for the day!) This one was pretty much the same as last night – except that all the wood was wet, and so we didn’t really have a fire.


Hiked out, it was nice to end on a pretty easy walk out – again really different terrain too

It was a great weekend though, thanks to Sylvia, Amber, Geoff, Thor, Jana and Fraser for a fun weekend. Hope to get away with them again sometime, I really do think the CUTC is going to work out. Really looking forward to the Mountain Skills course they run too!

Other than that, well moving out this week sometime, though I had forgotten that Maeve has the car for the week so not quite sure what to do about that one! Harumph, will see…

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