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So back to work this week… and little of major excitement to report!, I was quite correct though, I was in bits after the game of squash.. but still looking forward to more games next week :)

Our car got it’s WOF. Glynn very kindly brought it over to the mechanic, it was $120 to get the breaks and stuff done, still, when you think about it – it’s 60 euro and now we have a car that we can drive for the next 6 months… pretty good really.

In fact – just to spell it out so you can see just how much cheaper it is over here.. the car was $1500 (and that was upper market ;) We’ve had to spend $200 to get it fixed up so that it will pass it’s test – and we spent $120 on insurance that covers all three of us… so for $1820 we have a car that we can drive – and it drives well.. on top of that there’s registration – say bring it up to a cool $2000. That’s roughly 1000 euro..

So.. for 1000 euro we get a car that we can drive perfectly safely and legally. Not so bad, and when you split that 3 ways it’s really quite fine :D

Back in Ireland I couldn’t even get a years insurance for that ;) here I get a car too :)

Sorry to rant.. but it is crazy.


So not up to much until today – Saturday when we went to a New Place to climb. Called Hanging Rock. Not sure why.. probably because it’s all overhung. But maybe someone was hanged…. (queue eerie music)…

It was a lovely place

All limestone, and sport climbing. Ish. Well.. there were bolts, but unfortunately we realised only once we got there what ‘carriage bolts’ are.. They’re like oversized pins driven into the rock (well pitons). And you need wires to protect yourself with them. Which we don’t have.

However, it was possible to walk on to the top of the routes and put up a top rope.

So we did.

Not sure what grade it was, the only really tricksy part was the start.

Maeve climbed it too, but far more elegantly (truly I rely on brute force and ignorance ;)

And here’s a pic of Glynn doing the second route we topped…

But it was a great place, and at the end we just walked down to the river and went for a swim, which was a great way of cooling down (was quite cold)

Finally, when we got back to the car (the land is owned by some kind farmers who just let people come and climb), we found it had been completely surrounded.. however, after a brief gunfight we got through, touch and go though.

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