Three friends – Paddy, Ian and Mark entered a triathlon so I went along to support. Solid effort from the lads.
I have been slightly lazy / low on energy since getting back to NZ, but, slowly I’ve been getting back into climbing (quite enjoying that), getting for the odd walk up Rapaki. I’m thinking, now that I am a fairly free agent (working remotely) I might make a little more use of the middle of the day / mornings to get some exercise and then maybe work a tiny bit later in the evenings. We’ll see.
Not sure about triathlons though, I would definitely want to get a whole lot more comfortable in the water first (I am so not a water baby)
April 30, 2017 at 1:19 pm
Thanks for the support Patrick! It was a fun day out
April 30, 2017 at 3:12 pm
:) good times. I just wished I’d double checked my camera first. It was on ISO 1600 so it was all a bit washed out on that sunny day.