This is me, drinking Mate. It’s ubiquitous in Argentina and Chile (and probably other places, I haven’t been all over South America yet). Everyone carries these cups (gourds) around with them, and a thermos, and is constantly filling up. Well, a lot of places anyway. I even saw a juggler stop a guy as he was crossing the road and ask him for his Mate, which was duly given and drunk from.
So, we were in a museum and there was free Mate, so I was completely keen to try it. Ick, didn’t really work for my tastebuds I must say. Tasted mostly like tea that had been stewed too long.
Still, the gourd looks great, the silvery drinking straw is good, and I kinda like the idea of the institution of sharing the drink (though one wonders about communication of infections…) Anyway, I was culturally sensitive (the Mate was finished) but at the cost to my tastebuds ;)
March 1, 2016 at 3:48 am
Yes, they have something like it in Fiji, too , called Kava, but there they mix it with an old rag, swirling it round, squeezing it out and then sharing the drink sort of ritually.. After that you have to ditch any quarrel between you !