So… I ended my job at Egressive and had 3 weeks off before starting at Resolve Digital. I spent a couple of the weeks migrating snowpool to the latest version of Rails. There was also some time for a quick tramp and trip to the N. Island.
Off to Cameron Hut (Aerosmith range) was the order of the day. It was quite the walk in.
It’s funny, usually while tramping in New Zealand you’d be (un?)lucky to see anyone else, but we saw 3? people walking out, and we met another two (Father and Son) at the hut itself. We made a slight … tactical error and perhaps didn’t read the guide as closely as we should have. The approach to the hut is on the True Right (which means the right hand side of the river as it flows downhill). Unfortunately we took a more … direct… line… and had some pretty scratched up legs to show for it as the direct route was covered in spaniard grass (v. v. spikey) and other scratchy plants.
Still, a beautiful tramp – thoroughly enjoyed it.
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