Moving on from the MED

I’m not a big fan of change.. and definitey not on large scale issues like changing job. Some people thrive on that sort of thing – but I’m not one of them.

For 6 years I’ve worked in the MED – the Ministry of Economic Development – out of their Southern Business Centre. It’s has been a great experience and a really fantastic group of colleagues to work with. Oftentimes it has felt more like a family than workmates. It has been a ridiculously supportive environment – and I am certainly apprehensive about moving on.

The work I have done has been mainly in-house custom websites & business intelligence solutions. Unfortunately for me, there’s no development team per-se and this is unlikley to change. Anyway, the time is right to move on and I’ve decided to move to Egressive. Egressive is a local (Drupal oriented) Open Source development shop – and I’m really looking forward to working in a team again, with like minded individuals. It’s going to be a hard, steep learning curve – with a probation of 3 months. I’m excited, nervous, and can’t wait to get started.


5 comments on “Moving on from the MED

  1. at least you got a free dinner out of it…

  2. not yet I haven’t

  3. Yay for change, yay for joining Egressive!

  4. hear hear, totally agree with you Glynn, on all points!

  5. I’ve been waiting for this news since April 2010…

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