An family friend and former scout leader Emma came through NZ for the hockey (masters) world champ, lovely to catch up for an evening. My friend Tim very kindly used his l33t soldering skillz to fixup Anna’s clock which changes colour for night/mornings (a crucial piece of parenting kit for us). Ice-pops have been made as the weather is heating up.
We had Sinterklaas come visit NZ which was very special for Anna. They really take it seriously, with 20 minute news segments for about 3 weeks prior to when he arrives. We went off to the Dutch society here for the funfair day. Dutch games, food etc. Nice time (hot!)
And then all so soon it was the end of the school year and time for the summer holidays (until early Feb!!). Anna won a “core skills” award… I think for being a general all-rounder.. fits the bill I think.. She fortunately appears to have inherited (or absorbed) Maaike’s way of dealing with people & situations, a skill which will be extremely useful I suspect!
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